Discovered yesterday on one of the Romanian Craiglists.  It's a French oltimer. VéloSoleX. From 1968 to be exact.

Solex was a French manufacturer of carburetors and the powered bicycle VéloSoleX.

The Solex company was founded by Marcel Mennesson and Maurice Goudard to manufacture vehicle radiators. These were fitted to several makes of early cars including Delauney-Belleville and buses of the Paris General Omnibus company.
After World War I the radiator business went into decline and the company bought the rights to the carburettor patents of Jouffret and Renée and named them Solex after their business.
 - Wiki.

I was really intregued by the way the 50 cmc's 1 hp engine was mounted. Hmmmm...makes me think of all those classy cartooned posters with vintage bikes and motorized bicycles... 
Simpler times I guess...

UPDATE : John Albregtse posted on my facebook page ( Bullet George) 2 cool pics showing the same engine placement from the same brand (?). The second one really looks great ! Kinda hard to stop it...Flinstone style hahaha 

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