It's been quite a while since the last ''SPECIAL'' kicked in on dWRENCHED. Not because I don't have great stories to share, but because of the lack of time... So a concession was in order.
Hot rods are known to be, along with the choppers, the simbolism of the wild and free Americana lifestyle.
So when I found this really great story about this vintage russian...yes, RUSSIAN. hot rod, I knew I have to bring it home .
It looks that the cars was built in 1938 by Evgenie Agitov. Here's what I could find via www, with minor tweaks :
On February 25th (2010) the car's presentation for journalists only took place at the museum "Avtovill". Promise to present the Soviet racing car ГЛ-1 recreated by "Kuzovnoj of masterful Bushuev''. M-1 is the first Soviet racing car created. Evgenie Agitov was its designer. It is the unique car with surprising destiny: designed in 1938 and destroyed under obscure circumstances. The car has been recreated on Alexander Zaharova's drawings 70 years later and it is unique in the world. This restored ГЛ-1 becomes the main atraction of the exhibition «Sorokin's Oldtajmer-gallery Ili». The car will be presented by Alexander Bushuev to journalists , the head «Kuzovnoj of masterful Bushueva» and artist Alexander Zaharov.
The initial variant of the M-1 has been based and constructed on a Gaz(a) GL1 (?) in 1938 on the same basis of the serial car GAS М-1. The design of the car was unique for the time — under the form and on colour the car reminded of an oceanic fish: a flat wide tail, a transparent bubble of a cap over a place of the driver, a roundish lattice of a radiator, a streamline wingless body.
It debut has taken place in 1938 at competitions in Kiev. Where Valery Tchkalov was the main judge. The new racing car was represented by its pilot - the technician-verifier Gaza Arcady Nikolaev. In 1940 under the direction of Agitova, the second generation has been constructed .
On September, 22nd, 1940 Arcady Nikolaev has established on M-1 the All-Union record of speed – 161,9 km/h. It has passed the 1000 metres in 35,5 seconds. M-1 the second generation became avant-guard of the factory efforts, the fastest car of Soviet Union.
Both generations ГЛ-1 were lost under obscure circumstances. The first version was cut off from facrication, as well as many cars which have not gone to a series. Others – got destroyed during bombardments over Gaza.
After war Arcady Nikolaev realised itself as scientist. He took part in many confidential state projects, brightest of which – successful expedition to Antarctica. Evgenie Agitova's destiny got tragically developped. Projects over which he worked, have been frozen during war, and the designer committed suicide.
But in 70s' the forgotten M-1 has unexpectedly received new sounding. Artist Alexander Zaharovym had been created its first colour artistic image in details recreated from old photos. Drawing of the red racing car has been published on last page of magazine "At the wheel".
In 2010 M-1 the second generation has been restored. On the basis of Alexander Zaharova's drawing and under the drawings reproduced on escaped photos, it has been a new constructed «by Kuzovnoj Alexander Bushueva's manufactory». Developing the new ГЛ-1 lasted more than three years and the car got finished exactly after 72 years after the original car's debut.''
I'm not really a fan of the bubbly cockpit top but sure this car strirs my imagination and my worm feelings regarding hot rodding. The fact that its not an american, well now...that make sit even more ''juicy'' . I don't see myself driving cars...especially your all day full of censors and with heated chairs four wheeler. But this or a rat/hot help me God !
Sources : / / www...
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