So a few weeks ago I wanted to buy the latest SCM and this very interesting message appreared :
''We are sorry to inform you Street Chopper Magazine has discontinued publication effective with the June/July 2013 issue.
Notice to subscribers: The good news is that in Street Chopper Magazine's place, you will receive Hot Bike Magazine for the total number of copies remaining on your subscription.
We’re confident you will enjoy Hot Bike – it delivers monthly coverage of V-Twin engines, tech tips, readers’ ride features, product reviews and a comprehensive buyers guide.
If you are already a subscriber to Hot Bike, we will extend your subscription by the appropriate number of issues owed to you.
We welcome you as a reader and hope you enjoy all of the exciting issues we have planned for the coming year.
If you are not a subscriber and would like to order Hot Bike, please call 1-800-759-5540.
If you have any other questions, please email us at''
Well now you see, Street Chopper is one of my favourite chopper mags (yours too I think) so this sucked. Bad. But I didn't want to post anything about it untill I had some extra infos to work with. Those came up, eventually.
''Sorry if you are pissed if you got Hot BIke in the mail, but that was some guy with a suit and tie's decision, not mine. The world is ever-changing and so are all magazines. They get smaller, bigger, thinner, fatter, and are always in a state of flux. Add in a revolving door of advertisers, websites, e-readers, shrinking newsstands, a dying US postal service, and you have a very large cocktail of unrest as well as uncertainty and corporate bean counters don't like that.
I want to make this perfectly clear; STREET CHOPPER IS NOT DEAD, we are just not offering subs anymore. No more, no less.
Street Chopper is undergoing an upgrade. It is going to be put out a few less times a year, but we are going with "journal-sized" with a bigger sized magazine, glossy high-quality paper, and MORE PAGES.
We are stripping away all of the B.S. per issue that we had to have to make our upper management, distributors, retail locations, and subscriber services companies happy. With all of that super-corporate crap done and over with, we can now get back to having a ton of bike features per issues crammed with badass photos of real choppers with informative tech sheets, lots of archival footage and have it in a magazine you will want to have on your coffee table or bookshelf instead of on top of your toilet.
Over the next few months we are also going to launch a new street chopper website that will be crammed full of bikes and less B.S. and a website you will want to keep coming back to.
Hope that clears up the rumor mill. Thanks for reading this and spread the word...
Jeff G. Holt
Editor In Chief
Street Chopper Magazine''
posted on Chop Cult
I get the idea of rough times, but getting something else than you wanted and bought for, that is not a smart move if you ask me. Either way, I wait to see the new Street Chopper Magazine being resurected.
Untill then we have the website to play with... SCM
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