The power is strong in with this one...

 What you see in these photos is the latest retro-resto of Bones Legacy shop from Las Vegas, Nevada. For those who don't know squat about Bones, here's a little story... :

  ''Bones and I met in 1990. we were just two regular guys building old choppers out of our garage. In 2005 after Bones passed away ,my best friend and mentor in building bikes. I chose to name my shop after Bones and keep his legacy alive. Later on I met another collector of vintage choppers from New York, Richie (Seen). East Coast meets West coast. We then joined forces. Our philosophy in building bikes is we like to keep the true spirit of the golden age of choppers alive from the 60’s and 70’s.''
 -Paul Ponkow  (source Cycle Source)

 Paul builds or brings back to life those ''choppers from the good ol' days '' ; radical, funky and crazy looking. The 60's and 70's were the times when the Digger was born, mainly thanks to the japan bikes overflowing the US bike markets. Honda CB750 being the 1st choice of a donor biker, except the Harley.
   Skinny, long and longer than a weekend plus flashy paint jobs is what describes best a digger. Builders like Sugar Bear and Arlen Ness are two great names to mention here. And of course, Bones. And now, Paul.

    It's called "Beyond Groovy Funky Freight Train 2" . What a groovy (sorry, couldn't find another cooler term) nickname. Yeah I forgot to add, diggers often had crazy names... Another thing of charm of these bikes.
   The bike itself was built in 1981 and was stored in a relic-rusty pile of @#$& manner 'till Paul found it and decided to bring it back to life.
 The frame is a Denver's 1980 45 rake Gooseneck with a 30' over vintage Denver's 1980 Narrow Springer. 1972 Honda CB 750 engine with  38mm Keihin carbs.
   Prism gas tank, in-house Bones Legacy "Tiller bars" design. Drum brake.
Marc’s Custom Upholstery did up the seat in purple velvet. PiMP.
Paint and bodywork by Sonny Boy.
American Polishing and Plating Henderson, Nevada, made the final detailing work, making this ancient digger ''bling''.

     Often diggers had a love-it-or-hate-it impact but like all custom bikes, it's sole purpose was not to be pleasing to the crowds. But more like givin' a fist... or at least a slap to the crowds with no-imagination, limited-brain mind trapped average citizens. And that's what makes choppers cool. And will continue to do so...
    Bone's Legacy is a shop I always wanted to write about. I guess all it took was for me to get punched in the face by a Freight Train. 2 !

Photo credit : Bones Legacy, Biker News Magazine, Rock and Road.



  1. Beautiful! Also interested in the Big Twin! What are the drivetrain components and alignment/orientation on that one? I have dreams of a twin cyclecar someday... Thanks!


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